東京都心支部 港区 東京アメリカンクラブ
In Japan,
there is a world class country club called the Tokyo American Club.
Hougyoku-kai teaches Iai at that Tokyo American Club!
場所; 東京アメリカンクラブ Tokyo American Club
日時; 毎金曜日 19:00~20:00
責任者; 武田鵬玉
1)Iai is a form of martial arts with an uninterrupted 300 year history.
Iai is a form of martial arts with an uninterrupted 300 year history.It is part of the fundamentals of the way of the samurai (Budo) that a samurai had to master.
In Iai, the sword that is said to hold the soul of the samurai is used to fight nobly.
However the opponent is not another person, but you, yourself fighting to improve.
2)What kind of organization is Hougyoku-kai?
Hougyoku-kai is an organization that has been teaching Iai Mugairyu for the past 300 years.
Budo (the way of the samurai) is a tradition that Japan holds dear.
Hougyoku-kai inherited the scrolls containing the names of all of the masters of Iai Mugairyu that have been passed down from the founders.In essence, Hougyoku-kai has inherited the history of Iai Mugairyu.
Hougyoku-kai was featured in Japan’s world famous Toshiba’s “The Most Authentic Japanese Things in Japan” advertisement.
Hougyoku-kai has also worked in cooperation with Japan’s famous Toei movie corporation.

3)Practice Information
There are three main elements to (practicing) Iai.
“1)Kata (形) The precisely executed patterns practiced against opponent in your mind and the art of drawing, sheathing and using the sword with the goal of improving your technique.”
“2)Kumitachi(組太刀) Two opponents practice against each other within specified patterns. In reality, it involves the two opponents facing each other while focusing on their precision of movement.”
“3)Tameshigiri (試し斬り) The study of the correct angle of the blade through the aim of cleanly cutting rolled up tatami mats.”
About the teachers:
Hougyoku-kai Master:
Takeda Hougyoku

Teacher,Seventh dan, teaching license and holder of the history of Mugairyu
Hougyoku-kai was featured in Japan’s world famous Toshiba’s “The Most Authentic Japanese Things in Japan” advertisement.
He has also worked in cooperation with Japan’s famous Toei movie corporation.
Click below to see Master Takeda receiving the menkyo (history of Mugairyu) at last year’s Iai gathering
Kanto Block Leader:
Yasumura Ougyoku (Fifth dan)

Assistant (Tokyo Block Association): :
Melissa Mahoney(First dan)

Facebook: 国際居合道連盟鵬玉会 https://www.facebook.com/mugairyuhogyokukai/
Unfortunately non-members are unable to participate in classes at the Tokyo American Club. However, if you are interested, please feel free to inquire! Hougyoku-Kai does not exclude anyone on the basis of nationality or race. From the day you decide to start, you too can become a samurai!
東京アメリカンクラブ Tokyo American Club

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